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Las Vegas Sunset...

Today marks my one year sunniversary. It’s funny, as I don’t have a clue why in the world I decided I was never going to miss it—no matter what! I think more than anything, it makes me feel good and it’s something I can share with others. I feel the best way to end the day is with something beautiful that makes you happy to be alive and it gets your focus off of all the negative things going on in the world. We have so much to be thankful for in this life and nature is one of those things in life that should be celebrated EVERYDAY! Another reason is; my dad would call me and ask me why my pictures weren’t posted yet and that somehow makes me feel closer to them and it’s something I can share with them every day. I’m like a little kid when I show people my pictures—passion oozes out of me! That’s what happens when you love what you do. You can’t help but share it! I hope with me sharing this that I am somehow able to make your day a little brighter every day!

There is such a peace watching the sunset or sunrise. People ask me why I don’t do sunrise instead. I catch them whenever I can but most of the time I have early appointments so I can’t always be there for that. I would if I could, as I love it so much. Until a year ago, I never really took a picture of anything and now, that’s my most favorite thing to do besides working out and giving out messages.

Sometimes in life, we are called in a certain direction not knowing why at the moment and later on as we look back, it all makes sense. The dots seem to connect somehow. To me, being out in nature is like Christmas every day! I really look forward to it and to see the beauty unfold as you’re watching it, knowing you will never see anything like it again, as nothing is ever repeated. Seeing the perfect shot as the bird flies across the sky as the sun is descending is really priceless or catching the expression of someone looking out at the ocean, knowing in that moment, that they feel safe and don’t have a worry in the world. That’s the only time when impossible is impossible. You cannot stare out at the ocean at sunset and feel anything but gratitude for being alive and getting to see another day. It’s impossible! To be able to capture that moment in time is the most amazing feeling. Nothing quite compares to that when you catch nature in motion, knowing that you’re the only one at that moment that seized it. I never really understood that until now. That WOW feeling is priceless!

Looking back on the year, sure I’ve missed out on things and I know people at the time didn’t really understand why in the world I couldn’t miss a sunset. It will happen tomorrow, they would say, looking at me like I was a little crazy, and I would say the same thing is never repeated twice and I don’t want to miss it. I would have to decline on going to events or dinners because I chose the sunset. I got a lot of crazy looks for that, but you have to realize, that will happen a lot in life when people don’t understand why you’re doing something. Your goals are your goals and others don’t have to understand them in that moment. You were born to be you and you are unrepeatable—such a beautiful thing! People are like sunsets, each so unique and so beautiful in their OWN way. You have to know that one day it will make sense to them.

If you ask me if it was worth it? Yes, most definitely in this moment, it was! There were times when I didn’t really feel like going, or when it was raining out and there was no sunset (in other people’s eyes). Good excuse not to go, right? I could have missed it then, but then I wouldn’t be standing here today celebrating! Never mess up a long term goal in the moment for something temporary. Sometimes we look crazy to others when it makes perfect sense to us. I would be out there in the pouring rain and someone would ask me why and I would say, “I never miss a sunset.” Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Isn’t that what faith is all about? I can’t be the never miss a sunset girl and miss a sunset.

I am the same way with my training in the gym but with the gym, if I miss my workout in the morning, I can always go another time. With the sunset, I only get one shot at that. The sun won’t reschedule for me or postpone and set at another time. It’s taught me so much about being committed—no matter what--regardless of anything that happens or what others think. It feels good to be that committed to something—to do what you say you’re gonna do, no matter what! Can you imagine if we were like that with everything in life? How amazing would that be?!

What is something you would like to commit a year to? How would you feel in that moment if you were to do that? It can be whatever you want it to be as that is why you’re here! Since I have my ocean sunset daily I thought I would change it up a bit and have the beautiful lights of Vegas as a celebration! I do hope I’ve made your day a little brighter ;)

April ;)

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