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   WHO AM I   

Thanks so much for being here!  You will never miss another sunset as long as you know me.  Follow me as I make your life more fun!  I believe you should LIVE YOUR LIFE IN COLOR!  Lots of it!  Whether it's through fun fitness tips, my daily video with a quote or the sunset.  If you get to see that, then it means you got to see another day!  Yay for you and me, because it means we're alive!

You will find health tips,recipes, pictures of lots of birds, orangutans, sunrises, sunsets and quotes. If it's beautiful and healthy, it's here! I fill my life up with all of the good stuff life has to offer.  Sometimes, all you have to do is walk outside and look at God's graffitti in the sky and know that everything is okay.  We have so many beautiful things around us everyday and all it takes is for us to notice them.  


If you met me through receiving a "Happy Thought", or as I like to call it, "a message without a cookie-calorie free", then I hope I was able to make your day a little brighter.  If you live in the Santa Monica / Marina Del Rey area then you will probably notice them taped in different places. You can see where I've been.  It makes my heart happy to see all the different ways people collect them.  Sometimes, all we need is a reminder of how magnificent we are.  So here's to awesomeness up ahead!  My goal is for you to always be smiling!  Make today so awesome that yesterday gets jealous! 

© 2015 by apefit

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