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My First Sand Dollar

Happy Friday! As I was walking along the beach tonight for sunset I looked down and there it was; my very first sand dollar. I went home and looked up the meaning as I truly believe things show up for us at different times in our lives.

The sand dollar is symbolic of worth, value and valuing one’s self. It is a living being from the sea. The sea is representative of the collective unconscious: that which is born out of creativity and great expansiveness. The sand dollar is so delicate, and so fragile (like us) that it is easily broken in its original state. It can withstand the sea, to become this beautiful creature that it is. Just like us too! Think about it, sand dollars come ashore to be discovered after a storm. We all go through challenges in our lives to make us stronger and to be humbled so we can relate to everyone on some level. It's really a beautiful thing to be able to relate to everyone, then you can never really judge. We are all the same just going through different experiences. We are all here doing the same thing--differently.

When you look closely at the pattern on the front and back of the sand dollar, you’ll see the design looks like five separate pathways: all part of your journey. Notice how the pathways all lead back to the center, back to yourself. We all go out on our different paths to find ourselves back to ourselves to understand who we truly are and to appreciate all God has given us in our lives.

Residing within the sand dollar are five beautiful “doves” which can only be seen once it is broken open. I wanted to break it open but I want to keep it as a reminder. Maybe I will break open the next one :). It's amazing that it makes it to shore.

During the course of our lives, there are times when we have to break open. The moments we break open are the moments we experience freedom and transformation, (or doves in the actual sand dollar). Doves are symbolic of the infinite possibilities of human growth and potential. Hooray! Bring it on!

The sand dollar represents who we are and what we were born with. This is our shell. When we can break free from our shell, our restrictions, we can experience ultimate freedom and fly like the doves. Maybe, that's my newfound love for birds. That freedom in being yourself. How beautiful is that?! I say bring on the sand dollars and the doves! Have a magnificent evening and may you always see how blessed you are!


April :)

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